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36 Easy Edible Perennials to Plant Once and Enjoy for Years

36 Easy Edible Perennials to Plant Once and Enjoy for Years

When we think of growing our own food, annual crops often come to mind first — tomatoes, peppers, and lettuce that need replanting each year. However, there's a lesser-known but incredibly valuable category of plants that can provide year after year with minimal...

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How to Grow Okra in Texas – A Complete Planting Guide

How to Grow Okra in Texas – A Complete Planting Guide

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of how to grow okra in Texas and provide you with tips and tricks to ensure a successful harvest. Okra (abelmoschus esculentus) is native to west Africa and was first introduced to the Southern United States...

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How to Grow Broccoli in Texas from Seed to Harvest

How to Grow Broccoli in Texas from Seed to Harvest

Let's look how to grow broccoli plants in Texas! The most important trait about broccoli is to remember it likes cool temperatures and fertile soil. Many Texans remember, President George H.W. Bush's disdain for broccoli, but I think he just did not realize how...

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Do All Succulents Flower? How, When & Why They Bloom

Do All Succulents Flower? How, When & Why They Bloom

Succulents are native to arid dry climates of the world and have evolved in ways allowing them to store water inside of the bodies to get through the dry periods. From flowering succulents to leaves that are spiny or hairy, succulents can be used to create an vibrant...

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14 Ways to Get Rid of Grass & Weeds from a Vegetable Garden

14 Ways to Get Rid of Grass & Weeds from a Vegetable Garden

Grass and weeds in a vegetable garden can get out of hand really quickly. Not only do grass and weeds steal water and nutrients from your plants, they also provide additional habits for pests. A clean, weed free garden may seem like an unattainable dream, but I have...

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Texas Fall Garden Guide for Planting Time & Varieties

Texas Fall Garden Guide for Planting Time & Varieties

Fall is an exciting time of year in Texas and August is an exciting month as cooler temperatures are only a few weeks away. Most Texans have a long growing season before the first fall frost is expected. To find your average frost date, type your zip code into...

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