Things are heating up in our area and the plants are thriving!! Lots of harvesting was done in May. We have naturally growing dewberry vines in our pasture and were able to harvest enough dewberries for snacking and the best Dewberry Skillet Cobbler!


Out in the orchard we have lemons and peaches on the trees. This is the first year for both! I hope to be able to harvest the peaches in June.

The corn is getting taller and little silks are appearing. It will be great to have fresh grilled corn on the cob this summer! I inter-planted flowers in the corn bed and hope to have some to pick for fresh flower vases this summer as well.

Corn Growing

I planted only one cucumber plant this year and we’ve picked 5 cucumbers so far; we ate a few and gave a few away. They are so crisp and delicious!

Cucumbers Growing

The cherry tomatoes have been producing bunches of little tomatoes; we’ve been using these in pico de gallo, salads and just for snacking. We even snagged a few ripe glacier tomatoes too; those are smaller tomato, but they have been wonderful on sandwiches.

Lastly, we’ve been harvesting okra! This was the first year I have grown okra and I’m so glad I planted it; the okra plants have been thriving in our heat.

Okra Growing

Now for our harvest totals so far this year!

Radishes 1 pound 10 ounces

Lettuce 15 ounces

Turnips 4 pounds 15 ounces

Carrots 5 pounds 8 ounces

Cabbage 1 pound 8 ounces

Dewberries 1 pound 3 ounces

Jalapeno Peppers 1 pound 1 ounce

Tomatoes 2 pounds 11 ounces

Cucumbers 2 pounds 3 ounces

Poblano Pepper 1 ounce

Okra 5 ounces