Today is the last day of March and we’ve had much cooler weather than usual. Of the 36 tomato seeds I started, I was able to get a total of 9 tomato seedlings that were viable enough for transplanting into the garden. What can I say? You win some and you lose some.

I’m excited about the Money Maker variety and the Supremo Roma varieties the most! I also purchased a larger cherry tomato seedling locally, so now I have a total of 10 tomato plants.
I also planted 4 pepper seedlings; Mucho Nacho Jalapenos and Poblanos. I’ll get y’all a photo of those next time.

We’ve had a few days with some 80 degree temperatures which has just been hot enough to make most of my lettuce bolt. I still have some buttercrunch lettuce that was grown in a shadier area and it is still holding out. The lettuce that didn’t bolt and eaten by G-O-P-H-E-R-S! Ugh!
I waged war on those little boogers last weekend and I’m crossing my fingers they’re gone. Time will tell if I see anymore mounds come up.

I planted beans in place of where my lettuce had been growing. Corn has been planted in my old tomato bed from last year. Three small rows of corn should be enough for the two of us. We’ll eat some fresh and freeze the rest.
Tomorrow night we’re going to have a new RECORD LOW temperature. The temperature swings have been extreme. I’ll be busy covering all of my plants tomorrow!
Okay, are you ready for a garden tally update?

The carrots are wonderful!! I have lots more in the garden too!
Radishes 1 pound 10 ounces
Lettuce 15 ounces (we were able to eat a lot of butter crunch lettuce before it bolted)
Turnips 4 pounds 15 ounces
Carrots 12 ounces
Cabbage 9 ounces