June was a busy month with lots of picking produce from the garden. The temperatures have been in the mid 90’s and while most of the country is getting really started with their gardens, gardening in zone 9A is more challenging with the hot days.
The tomatoes have been plentiful. I’ve harvested lots of Jelly Bean Cherry tomatoes, Supremo Roma Tomatoes, Money Maker Tomatoes and Glacier Tomatoes.

I only started with 6 okra plants and we’ve grown more than enough for just the two of us to eat! I also started 6 more okra from seeds and those plants are getting larger; should be able to harvest okra from those plants next month. If anyone knows of any favorite okra recipes, please share them!

The peppers have been fantastic! I have fresh poblanos, jalapenos and bell peppers this month. The homegrown peppers have so much more aroma and flavor than the store bought varieties!

Since our tomato plants have been producing for several months now, the determinate roma tomatoes are finished. The heat is also taking a toll on the Glacier and Money Maker Tomatoes. I started my pepper and tomato seeds for fall planting this month and they’re coming along nicely. See my post for Tips for Growing Fall Tomatoes. They should be ready to set out in the garden in August.

The insects have been a challenge this year and I try to avoid using pesticides. This morning I noticed some wheel bugs in the sunflowers; my fellow zone 9 gardeners say these are natural pest control and part of the assassin bug family. These guys can stay!

Now for our harvest totals so far this year!
Radishes 1 pound 10 ounces
Lettuce 15 ounces
Turnips 4 pounds 15 ounces
Carrots 5 pounds 8 ounces
Cabbage 1 pound 8 ounces
Dewberries 1 pound 3 ounces
Jalapeno Peppers 2 pound 5 ounces
Tomatoes 32 pounds 13 ounces
Cucumbers 3 pounds 14 ounces
Poblano Pepper 11 ounces
Okra 2 pounds 7.5 ounces
Bell Peppers 1 pound 9 ounces
Corn 2 pounds